Jumaat, September 12, 2008

Do You Understand

Misunderstood because
Of the orange neon spray-paint can
Found inside my locker

Misunderstood because
I actually did forget to do
My maths homework yesterday

Misunderstood because
This spike earring doesn't mean
I'm dangerous

Misunderstood because
I really did try to get home
By midnight last night

Misunderstood because
My music doesn't mean
I hate the world

Misunderstood because
I swear, the alcohol found under my bed
Was consumed responsibly

Misunderstood because
Text messaging is a whole different language
That doesn't require vocabulary lessons

Misunderstood because
You never took the time
To understand

written by:
Noeleen Advani (15)
The English School, Cyprus

1 ulasan:

Shumuri berkata...


welcome to blogsphere of Kyuem..

linklah blog2 bdak2 kyuem lain..

Muscom blog jgn lupe..shumuri juge..

okey, moga dpt mnfaatkan blog yg ade..

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